Airport runway wind widget for allMETEO weather stations
/Wind widget for your airport and aerodrome website is now available from the weather portal for the MeteoWind IoT Pro wireless wind sensors. Your customers can now rely on accurate wind information reported in relation to your runway direction. Average wind speed and wind direction along with maximum gust wind speed and direction are also reported every 10 min to your website with the highest meteorological standards of quality of ICAO, NWS and WMO.
Just enter your runway number into the widget generator in your allMETEO portal MeteoGarden, and then copy/paste the generated code snippet to into your website to display live wind information relative to your runway direction. The shape, size and colors can easily be customized to your liking. Weather data streams directly from your MeteoWind® IoT Pro on the allMETEO weather portal to your website. Other examples of widget implementations can be found here:,,,,
Examples of code snippets and resulting widget visualizations follow:
Runway wind display for small airports & aerodromes
HTML code for a wind widget which is 300 pixels wide and 300 pixels high with a 1 pixel thick dark blue border follows:
<div style="width: 300px; height:300px; border: 5px solid rgb(51, 81, 145);">
<div class="allmeteo-widget" data-mg="239" wind runway="08"></div>
HTML code for a wind widget which is 400 pixels wide and 400 pixels high with a 1 pixel thick light blue border follows:
<div style="width: 400px; height:400px; border: 5px solid lightskyblue;">
<div class="allmeteo-widget" data-ws="2008SW031" runway="4,12"> </div>
If the character encoding of your HTML webpage was not declared as UTF-8, the widget may render with garbled text in some browser configurations since the widget contains character ⭱ from the Wingdings 3 font which is outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol as:
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
The following line of code script needs to be inserted at the bottom of the web page right before the </body> tag. If you add multiple of the above widgets on you website, the following line of code needs to appear only once:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>
Customizing the website widget code
For instructions on how to customize the wind widget code, please see the following FAQ article: