LoRaWAN Downlink Commands to Change Appkey and AppEUI and Turn ADR On/Off

QUESTION: How can I change the Appkey and AppEUI and Turn ADR On/Off on MeteoHelix and MeteoWind LoRaWAN weather station sensors?

ANSWER: The following describe and give an examples of the commands that can be sent to BARANI DESIGN LoRaWAN weather station hardware. More commands can be found in this FAQ article: List of available downlink commnads for MeteoHelix LoRaWAN weather stations

100. Change the Appkey and AppEUI

  • Appkey (16 bytes, example):

  • AppEUI (8 bytes, example):

  • Complete downlink message (Appkey + AppEUI: 24 bytes)
    Send to port 100:

101. Send ABP negotiation parameters to the device (Deprecated)

102. Send RX2 communication parameters to the device (Per request)

103. To turn on/off ADR

  • Turn-OFF ADR
    Sent to port 103: 00

  • Turn-ON ADR
    Sent to port 103: 01

104. Set "Data Rate" of transmission via downlink to device

105. Turn on automatic reply mode

  • Turn-OFF automatic reply:
    Sent to port 105: 00

  • Turn-ON automatic reply:
    Sent to port 105: 01

106. Turn on request for confirmation on uplinks

  • Turn-OFF confirmed uplinks:
    Sent to port 106: 00

  • Turn-ON confirmed uplinks:
    Sent to port 106: 01

107. Force rejoin:

  • Send to port 107 value 01 to force a rejoin after 1min delay.

130. Time synch:

  • Send to port 130 value of the unix time stamp (in hex) of the next expected uplink (last uplink time + 10 minutes) to perform a time synchronization of the LoRaWAN sensor. This command may not be available on all devices manufactured before 2021.

Time synchronization example:

  • Last uplink message time stamp: 2021/03/25 21:09:50 Unix/Zulu/GMT time

  • Next expected uplink message time: 2021/03/25 21:19:50 Unix/Zulu/GMT time (Timestamp decimal/dec: 1616703590, hexadecimal/hex: 605CF066) This is the last uplink message time stamp + 10 minutes

  • Sent to port 130 value 605CF066

Links to convert between UNIX Epoch Time in hex, decimal, and human readable ZULU time which is also know as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) located at the Zero Meridian.

Please note:

  • To better concentrate on supporting our LoRaWAN devices we cannot support 3rd party LoRaWAN server implementations free of charge. Thus consulting services for 3rd party implementations of LoRaWAN remote commands, debugging, code checking and validation will incur a cost of 100€ per hour billed in 15 minute intervals.

  • Non-disclosure agreement may be required to be signed for consulting services.