Personal Weather Station Reinvented: will the MeteoHelix® revolutionize the personal weather station market?

MeteoHelix® reinvented the personal weather station

MeteoHelix® reinvented the personal weather station

Ever since 1974 RainWise Inc. has been at the forefront of innovation in the personal weather station business. Others like Davis, AcuRite, La Crosse, Oregon Scientific and Netatmo followed suit with Davis carving out the largest share of the premium middle market where data collected by the weather station was somewhat usable, even by meteorological services. Despite the fact that each personal weather station came with its own set of innovations and looks, they all lacked the accuracy and long-term data stability to make it in the professional meteorological world.

Personal weather station reinvented

In 2018, we shrunk a professional solar powered weather station (AWOS) costing over $3,000 into a compact personal micro-weather station using new IoT wireless technologies and sensors. Its patented helical design taken directly from the field proven MeteoShield® Professional allows this personal weather station to meet WMO measurement quality standards in all weather conditions unlike any of its aforementioned competitors. The MeteoHelix® personal weather station is available worldwide.