METEOMET set to reduce uncertainty from global warming measurement


An international scientific project called METEOMET is focused on improving measurement methods of our environment. In the field of meteorology, its goal is to standardize measurement methods worldwide so as to improve measurement consistency, accuracy, precision for improved meteorological data quality. With global warming on our doorstep, only a unified approach to the measurement of parameters like air temperature can lead to consistent conclusions on its worldwide effects.

BARANI DESIGN is proud to be able to participate in the project by supplying sensors for research purposes. Solar radiation shields, temperature sensors and wind sensors were supplied to support this important research. One of METEOMET's studies involved evaluating the effects of reflected solar radiation (albedo) on air temperature measurement in winter conditions on snow covered fields. The effect of this albedo was quantified and methodology for quantifying its effects on sensor systems will be proposed. Two sets of sensors were used to quantify solar heating due to reflected sun light at the foot of the Italian Alps.  One set was mounted above a snow covered field and snow under the other sensor set was removed to expose grass and ground which limit the amount of reflected solar radiation. Data from the sensor sets was compared and analyzed. Results will be published in the upcoming months. 

For more information, visit to METEOMET web site.