Affordable Auto-METAR for small airports finally a reality at Farnborough Airshow 2018

Affordable auto-METAR for private airports by BARANI DESIGN Technologies

Affordable auto-METAR for private airports by BARANI DESIGN Technologies

While professional weather observation systems with automatic METAR report generation have been prohibitively expensive for small airport operators, BARANI DESIGN is about to change that. Known for their innovative sensor designs for professional meteorological applications, Barani Design has set its sights on the private airport segment which makes up over 75% of all worldwide aerodromes. With private air traffic on the rise, the need for an affordable, scaleable, accurate and reliable weather observation system for each airport is becoming a necessity.

Weather is becoming more and more localized and unpredictable. This trend is forcing small airport operators to look for uncertified weather solutions and pilots have to rely on the unofficial weather reports posted on each private airport’s web page to plan their flights since the network of official METAR weather stations is very sparse. This is exacerbated by the bureaucracy involved in certifying a METAR weather observation system and obtaining building permits.

The ezMETAR weather observation system from Barani Design is about to change that. The system is built on proven reliable hardware with arguably the most accurate air temperature and wind speed solution on the market, strong lightning protection and a proven meteorological data logger METARlogGSM at its heart. This wireless solar powered Auto-METAR system enables airport operators to install an ICAO certified sensor suite without the need for special building permits. A pilot program at Slovakia’s JASNA Aerodrome is underway to streamline the certification process under the umbrella of the national Hydro-Meteorological Institute. 

BARANI DESIGN will showcase the ezMETAR solution at Farnborough Airshow 2018 in HALL 3, booth 3418.

BARANI DESIGN sensors showcased at the 19th International Road Weather Conference - SIRWEC 2018

19th International Road Weather Conference

19th International Road Weather Conference

BARANI DESIGN Technologies to showcase their helical radiation shield technology which has proven itself to deliver an unbeatable combination of accuracy and sensor protection. Benefits of the worldwide patented helical radiation shield design include not only superior air temperature accuracy in all-weather conditions, but also the benefit of extended sensor lifetime and long-term measurement stability. SIRWEC 2018 presents an opportunity for the world-wide experts in road weather to see this technology in person.

The award winning one-of-a-kind design delivers superior long-term accuracy and significantly increased sensor life compared to all-fan aspirated solar radiation shields used not only in road weather applications but also in aviation weather stations such as found on all major airports. In conditions with snow cover it is able to deliver better accuracy performance than most fan-aspirated shields and can be purchased at one-half to one-quarter of their price. Due to no-moving parts it also offers unbeatable reliability.

MeteoHelix® ready for Industry 4.0

Agricultural weather station with a wind sensor, rain gauge and helical radiation shield

Agricultural weather station with a wind sensor, rain gauge and helical radiation shield

What is industry 4.0 and how does meteorological data fit into its picture?

In general, the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0 for short) is widely accepted as the rise of connectivity following the computerization of manufacturing. For example, the term "Precision Agriculture" is one subset of the 3rd and 4th industrial revolutions, where the 3rd industrial revolution is all about computerization and widespread sensor adoption and the fourth is the rise of connectivity and its benefits. We are still in the middle of both of these industrial revolutions. The benefits of Industry 3.0 are clearly visible with sensors in everything from our cars to our household appliances, while the benefits of connectivity will become more and more noticeable in the years to come.

The rise of home weather stations

In meteorology one can see the widespread adoption of home weather stations as the result of Industry 3.0, while the rise of meteorological data sharing networks like Weather Underground as the beginnings of Industry 4.0.  The rise of precision agriculture is also the result of sensor adoption and started with the widespread use of weather stations in farming. It continues with the rise of software platforms that offer not only present weather data sharing and data processing, but are also able to combine this data with crop health and soil analyses to paint a more complete picture of current crop status and crop development.  This complete picture helps decision makers (agronomists in precision farming) make significantly more informed decisions and helps prevent wasteful use of water, fertilizer and chemical agents used to treat plant diseases and pest outbreaks.

Impact on professional meteorology

In professional meteorology the changes from the 3rd and 4th industrial revolution come slower. Scientists and meteorologists need to be sure that each new technology provides high-quality data and long-term data stability as climatic changes happen on a scale of a few thousands of a degree per year. Additionally, every new sensor technology needs to be thoroughly tested and compared to existing measurement instruments and techniques so as to ensure data continuity and consistency. In other words, professional applications of weather sensors cannot permit sensor differences to create false changes in long-term climatic measurement, where a change is temperature sensor technology would result in a step change in global temperature readings. One such new technology currently being evaluated by professionals around the world is the helical radiation shield for air temperature sensors which promises to significantly increase accuracy and reduce measurement uncertainty of any temperature sensor in outdoor applications. The impact of this helical solar shield technology found in the MeteoHelix® micro-weather stations from BARANI DESIGN Technologies may mean that tens of thousands of home weather stations throughout the world may in the near future be able to provide high-quality professional weather data used to improve local weather forecasts.