SEP-200 rain gauge mechanism.jpg

One of the most consistent and accurate tipping buckets

Self-emptying tipping bucket

  • Resistant to wind induced vibrations more than standard (seesaw/teeter-totter) tipping bucket rain gauges

  • More consistent and resistant to drift from dirt contamination

  • Magnetically stabilized self-emptying bucket

Easy to maintain

Single screw adjustment for easy recalibration and service.

Easy to install, as the bucket mechanism is less susceptible to not being level than butterfly tipping bucket rain gauges.

Consistent and accurate magnetically balanced mechanism in less effected by residual water in the tipping bucket than popular butterfly style mechanisms. This inherent property makes it the most consistent self-emptying rain gauge, also known as udometer, pluviometer, or an ombrometer.


  • UV sunlight resistant material for stability in direct sunlight for 10+ years

  • Good hydrophobic properties for self cleaning effect and drainage for accuracy

  • Material does not attract dirt and dust

  • Simply wipe clean with a cloth

  • Designed for a 10+ years life span in all climates

  • The electronic are coated with weather-resistant coating for all-weather durability including winter, snow, ice and salt spray near the coast


Factory standard calibration of 0.2 mm (0.2 liters per square meter) per tip with +/- 2 % accuracy. 

  • 0.20 mm/tip (0.008"/tip) Factory default (World standard)


Pronamic Rain-O-Matic Professional Rain Gauge pipe mount.jpg

Pole mount for rain gauge

Makes rain gauge mounting quick and easy with the use of widely available hose clamps.

Fits pipes from 1.5" (35 mm) diameter and larger.

Cable for rain gauge

UV sunlight stable 5 meter cable for connecting the rain gauge with data logger digital-in port.


Bird spikes and leaf fence

Bird protection spikes with leaf/debris fence prevent birds from nesting in the rain gauge funnel and reduce large debris accumulation like leafs.

Overall effect is reduced maintenance and longer service intervals plus increased measurement reliability and consistency.