Meteorological sensor basics

Learn what is important when choosing a weather sensor and why. Differences between sensor technologies are not always obvious and here we aim to show you the difference. It is not our aim to sell you sensors, here we aim to help you choose the best sensor for your job.


Wind Speed Accuracy

How important is wind speed and wind direction accuracy for meteorology, climatology and in wind and solar renewable energy applications? Do industrial and safety applications have special requirements than cannot be met by meteorological sensors? Lets take a look at each application and find out why not all wind sensors are created equal and how to get the best wind data from your limted budget.


Air Temperature Accuracy

Requirements for better than 0.5 °C (1 °F) accuracy from your temperature sensor drive sensor costs up. Stability of measurement over a wide temperature range as found in many continental climates or accuracy in temperature extremes near the equator or the poles are also cost drivers. Getting these cost drivers under control is not always straight forward. Lets take a look at how the requirements in your application can be used to your advange. 

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Sun Measurement Accuracy

Choice of sun sensor strongly depends on your application. Life-cycle cost-effectiveness needs to consider factors such as maintenance and hidden costs of bad or missing data. Just like cars, solar sensors need to be cleaned to keep functioning properly and maintainability is something one needs to consider in your budget from the onset. So lets see what are the important considerations for your application.